Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Visual Art Workshop

The Macleod Hall Vestibule is booked for next Wednesday afternoon (30th June - 2-4) for an art workshop. I'll be working with colleague, Stewart Ennis, to make pictures and also interviews for the Facebook page (and/or any other pages I can work out how to use.)

I handed out around twenty laminated A4 posters this afternoon to advertise the workshop - it took a lot less time than I anticipated as people were helpful on the whole and we chatted. Phoned the primary schools yesterday to introduce myself, and to mention the workshop, but the schools are off on holiday very soon and it's a really busy time of year - any children who can make it along will be a bonus.

Stewart and I will be interviewing people in the morning of the 30th, before the workshop, beginning with Lisa MacAlinden at the shopping centre and three volunteers from the Govan Care project....

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